This document is about: QUANTUM 2



The AbilitiesSystem executes custom actions relevant to a specific entity (usually an Actor).

Features and Properties

The FPS Template includes a set of features in its Ability implementation:

  • every ability is an entity.
  • an ability can be toggled on/off or of one-time use.
  • an ability have a specific amount of charges and / or a recharge timer.
  • an ability can be dynamically added and removed at runtime.
  • the sequential execution of abilities is constrained by a global cooldown which is defined for each ability (can be 0)
  • Multiple abilities can be active at the same time

The default ability implementation can be extended as needed and comes with the following properties by default:

  • Cooldown: time needed to re-use ability
  • Global Cooldown: global abilities cooldown after use
  • Recharge: controls if / when the ability charges
  • Recharge Time: time needed to get 1 charge
  • Max Charges: the amount of uses included with an ability's full charge
  • Start Charges: the initial amount of charges provided to an entity when the abilitiy is added
  • Activation Frame: controls if the ability is executed in predicted/verified frame

Execution Flow

An ability is not an immediate action. It is first written in into AbilitiesDesires and executed from Update later in the same frame. The lifetime of an ability is controlled by the IsFinished property; the ability is deactivated when the property is set to true. The following diagram illustrates the API of the AbilityController and its execution flow:


Example Implementation

This section exemplifies the AbilitiesSystem by presenting the TeleportAbility implementation included in the FPS Template.


public unsafe sealed class TeleportAbilityController : AbilityController {
    //========== PUBLIC MEMBERS ===================================================================================

    public FP                      Distance              = FP._10;
    public FP                      MinimumTravelDistance = FP._1;

    public AssetRefEntityPrototype Effect;

The TeleportAbility includes the default properties and adds several specific ones (e.g.: Distance). All properties can be adjusted in the Unity Inspector.

teleport ability controller
Teleport Ability Controller.

The TeleportAbility executes the following logic when activated:

  1. The ability makes physics linecast to check travel distance forward.
  2. If the ability owner (entity) has a Movement component teleport is executed through this component, otherwise it writes directly to the Transform3D component.
  3. Optionally, an effect is added to the owner entity (for example a speed-up for few seconds)


internal override bool Activate(Frame frame, EntityRef entity)
    EntityRef    ownerRef       = frame.GetOwnerEntity(entity);
    Transform3D* transform3D    = frame.GetComponent<Transform3D>(ownerRef);

    FPVector3    position       = transform3D->Position;
    FPVector3    direction      = transform3D->Forward();

    // 1. Calculate teleport destination

    FPVector3    targetPosition = position + direction * Distance;

    // 2. Visibility check for obstacles - simple linecast
    QueryOptions     options = QueryOptions.ComputeDetailedInfo | QueryOptions.HitDynamics | QueryOptions.HitKinematics | QueryOptions.HitStatics;
    Physics3D.Hit3D? hit     = frame.Physics3D.Linecast(position, targetPosition, ObjectLayerMask.Blocking, options);

    // 3. Update destination based on hits / exit if the distance is too short
    if (hit.HasValue == true)
        direction = hit.Value.Point - position;
        FP magnitude = direction.MagnitudePrecise();
        if (magnitude < Distance)
            if (magnitude < MinimumTravelDistance)
                return false;

            targetPosition = position + direction * FP._9 * FP._0_10;

    // 4. Set Movement, otherwise direct update of Transform3D
    Movement* movement = frame.TryGetComponent<Movement>(ownerRef);
    if (movement != null)
        transform3D->Position = targetPosition;

    // 5. Spawn an effect if linked
    if (Effect.Id != 0)
        Effects* effects = frame.TryGetComponent<Effects>(ownerRef);
        if (effects != null)
            effects->AddEffect(frame, ownerRef, ownerRef, Effect, out _);

    // 6. Teleport was successful
    return true;

Creating a New Ability

This is the step-by-step procedure to create a new Ability in the FPS Template.

  1. In Quantum the solution, create new MyAbilityController which inherits from AbilityController.
  2. Add serializable fields to the controller (configuration).
  3. If needed, create a MyAbility.qtn which contains definition for MyAbility component and other data structures such as roll-backable data.
  4. Override base properties if needed and implement Initialize(), Deinitialize(), Activate(), Deactivate(), Update(), IsFinished() methods in the controller.
  5. Implement the available controller interfaces (e.g. IAttributesProvider, ...).
  6. Recompile the quantum.codesolution.
  7. In Unity, create an empty GameObjectand add the visual components / model as a child object.
  8. Add the Entity, EntityPrototype, EntityComponentController and EntityComponentAbility scripts to the GameObject.
  9. On the Entity component, set:
    • Transform Synchronization to Simple or Error Correction
    • Require Owner to true as the ability cannot exist without the owning entity
  10. On the EntityComponentController component, select MyAbilityController from the AbilityController drop-down menu and fill out defined properties.
  11. Fill out the defined properties on the EntityComponentAbility component
  12. Add other entity components to define the behavior of the entity (EntityComponentMyAbility, ...)
  13. Create a prefab of the entity (Optional)
  14. Execute the asset resource generation via the Quantum > Generate Asset Resources menu.
  15. The ability is now ready to use - reference entity prototype.
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