
Available in the Gaming Circle and Industries Circle

The Tower Rush Sample is provided with full source code and demonstrates how Quantum can be used to create a tower rush game.
Technical Info
- Unity 2021.1.26f1
- Platforms: PC (Windows 10 / MAC) and Mobile (Android / iOS)
Technical Features
- 9 sample units
- Simple matchmaking
- UI system and game core basics
- Mutliple types of units (e.g.: melee, ranged and spawners)
- Multiple types of damage (direct single target, aoe)
- Area of Effects (damage, heal, stats modifiers - attack speed, movement speed)

3rd Party Assets
The Tower Rush Sample includes several assets provided courtesy of their respective creators. The full packages can be acquired for your own projects at their respective site:
- KayKit - Skeletons Pack by Kay Lousbert
- KayKit - Dungeon Pack by Kay Lousbert
- KayKit - Character Animations by Kay Lousbert
- KayKit - Medieval Builder Pack by Kay Lousbert
- KayKit - Spooktober by Kay Lousbert
IMPORTANT: To use them in a commercial project, it is required to purchase a license from the respective creators.
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