This document is about: QUANTUM 2

Collider and Body Components


The collision and physics behaviour each have their own component in Quantum 2.

  • Adding a PhysicsCollider2D/PhysicsCollider3D to an entity, turns entity into a dynamic obstacle or trigger which can be moved via its transform.
  • Adding a PhysicsBody2D/PhysicsBody3D allows the entity to be controlled by the physics solver.


The Transform2D/Transform3D, PhysicsCollider2D/PhysicsCollider3D and PhysicsBody2D/PhysicsBody3D components are tightly intertwined. As such some of them are requirements for others to function. The complete dependency list can be found below:

Requirement Transform PhysicsCollider PhysicsBody

These dependencies build on one another, thus you have to add the components to an entity in the following order if you wish to enable a PhysicsBody:

  1. Transform
  2. PhysicsCollider
  3. PhysicsBody

The PhysicsBody Component

Adding the PhysicsBody ECS component to an entity enables this entity to be taken into account by the physics engine. N.B.: the use of a PhysicsBody requires the entity to already have a Transform and a PhysicsCollider .

You can create and initialize the components either manually in code, or via the EntityPrototype component in Unity.


var entity = f.Create();
var transform = new Transform2D();
var collider = PhysicsCollider2D.Create(f, Shape2D.CreateCircle(1));
var body = PhysicsBody2D.CreateDynamic(1);

f.Set(entity, transform);
f.Set(entity, collider);
f.Set(entity, body);

The same rule applies to the 3D Physics:


var entity = f.Create();
var transform = Transform3D.Create();

var shape = Shape3D.CreateSphere(FP._1);

var collider = PhysicsCollider3D.Create(shape);
var body = PhysicsBody3D.CreateDynamic(FP._1);

f.Set(entity, transform);
f.Set(entity, collider);
f.Set(entity, body);

In case of the EntityPrototype method, the components will be initialized with their saved values.

Adjusting an Entity Prototype's Physics Properties via the Unity Editor
Adjusting an Entity Prototype's Physics Properties via the Unity Editor.

The PhysicsCollider3D supports only supports the following Shape3D for dynamic entities:

  • Sphere
  • Box

Center of Mass

The Center of Mass, simply referred to as CoM from here on out, can be set on the PhysicsBody component. The CoM represents an offset relative to the position specified in the Transform component. Changing the position of the CoM allows to affect how forces are applied to the PhysicsBody.

Animated examples of how various CoM affect the same PhysicsBody
Animated examples showcasing how various CoM affect the same PhysicsBody.

By default, the CoM is set to the centroid of the PhysicsCollider's shape. This is enforced by the Reset Center of Mass On Added in the PhysicsBody Config drawer.

N.B.: To customize the CoM position, you HAVE TO uncheck the Reset Center of Mass On Added flag; otherwise the CoM will be reset to the Collider's centroid when the PhysicsBody component gets added to the entity.

Defaults Flags in the PhysicsBody Config
Defaults Flags in the PhysicsBody Config viewed in the Unity Editor.

The above configuration is the commonly used for an entity behaving like a uniformly dense body, a.k.a. body with a uniform density. However, the CoM and collider offset are configured separately. The combinations are explained in the table below.

PhysicsCollider Offset PhysicsBody CoM Reset Center of Mass On Added flag Resulting positions
Default Position = 0, 0, 0
Custom Value = any position differing from the default position
Default Position Default Position On / Off Collider Centroid and the CoM positions are both equal to the transform position.
Custom Value Default Position On Collider Centroid is offset from the transform, and the CoM is equal to the Collider Centroid position.
Custom Value Default Position Off Collider Centroid is offset from the transform position.
The CoM is equal to the transform position.
Custom Value Custom Position On Collider Centroid is offset from the transform position.
The CoM is equal to the Collider Centroid position.
Custom Value Custom Position Off Collider Centroid is offset from the transform position.
The CoM is offset from the transform position.

Compound Collider CoM

A compound shape's CoM is a combination of all the shape's elements' centroids based on the weighted average of their areas (2D) or volumes (3D).

Key points

In summary, these are the main points you need to takeaway regarding the CoM configuration.

  1. The PhysicsCollider offset and PhysicsBody CoM positions are distinct from one another.
  2. By default the PhysicsBody Config has the flags Reset Center of Mass On Added and Reset Inertia on Added.
  3. To set a custom CoM, uncheck the Reset Center of Mass On Added flag in the PhysicsBody Config.
  4. If the Reset Center of Mass On Added flag is checked on the PhysicsBody Config, the CoM will be automatically set to the PhysicsCollider centroid upon being added to the entity - regardless of the CoM position specified in the Editor.

Applying External Forces

The PhysicsBody API allows for the manual application of external forces to a body.


// This is the 3D API, the 2D one is identical.

public void AddTorque(FPVector3 amount)
public void AddAngularImpulse(FPVector3 amount)

public void AddForce(FPVector3 amount, FPVector3? relativePoint = null)
public void AddLinearImpulse(FPVector3 amount, FPVector3? relativePoint = null)
// relativePoint is a vector from the body's center of mass to the point where the force is being applied, both in world space.
// If a relativePoint is provided, the resulting Torque is computed and applied.

public void AddForceAtPosition(FPVector3 force, FPVector3 position, Transform3D* transform)
public void AddImpulseAtPosition(FPVector3 force, FPVector3 position, Transform3D* transform)
// Applies the force/impulse at the position specified while taking into account the CoM.

As you can gather from the API, angular and linear momentum of the PhysicsBody can be affected by applying:

  • forces; or
  • impulses.

Although they are similar, there is a key different; forces are applying over a period of time, while impulses are immediate. You can think of them as:

  • Force = Force per deltatime
  • Impulse = Force per frame

Note: In Quantum deltatime is fixed and depended on the simulation rate set in Simulation Config asset.

An impulse will produce the same effect, regardless of the simulation rate. However, a force depends on the simulation rate - this means applying a force vector of 1 to a body at a simulation rate of 30, if you increase the simulation rate to 60 the deltatime with be half and thus the integrated force will be halved as well.

Generally speaking, it is advisable to use an impulse when a punctual and immediate change is meant to take place; while a force should be used for something that is either constantly, gradually, or applied over a longer period of time.

Initializing the Components

To initialize a PhysicsBody as either a Dynamic or Kinematic body, you can use their respective Create functions. These methods are accessible via the PhysicsBody2D and PhysicsBody3D classes, e.g.:

  • PhysicsBody3D.CreateDynamic
  • PhysicsBody3D.CreateKinematic


To initialize PhysicsCollider and PhysicsBody via data-driven design, you can use the ShapeConfig types (Shape2DConfig, and Shape3DConfig). These structs can be added as a property to any Quantum data-asset, editable from Unity (for shape, size, etc).


// data asset containing a shape config property
partial class CharacterSpec {
  // this will be edited from Unity
  public Shape2DConfig Shape2D;
  public Shape3DConfig Shape3D;
  public FP Mass;

When initializing the body, we use the shape config instead of the shape directly:


// instantiating a player entity from the Frame object
var playerPrototype = f.FindAsset<EntityPrototype>(PLAYER_PROTOTYPE_PATH);
var playerEntity = playerPrototype.Container.CreateEntity(f);

var playerSpec = f.FindAsset<CharacterSpec>("PlayerSpec");

var transform = Transform2D.Create();
var collider = PhysicsCollider2D.Create(playerSpec.Shape2D.CreateShape(f));
var body = PhysicsBody2D.CreateKinematic(playerSpec.Mass);

// or the 3D equivalent:
var transform = Transform3D.Create();
var collider = PhysicsCollider3D.Create(playerSpec.Shape3D.CreateShape())
var body = PhysicsBody3D.CreateKinematic(playerSpec.Mass);

// Set the component data
f.Set(playerEntity, transform);
f.Set(playerEntity, collider);
f.Set(playerEntity, body);

Enabling Physics Callbacks

An entity can have a set of physics callbacks associated with it. These can be enabled either via code or in the Entity Prototype's PhysicsCollider component.

Setting Physics Callbacks via the Entity Prototype's Physics Properties in the Unity Editor
Setting Physics Callbacks via the Entity Prototype's Physics Properties in the Unity Editor.

For information on how to set the physics callbacks in code and implement their respective signals, please refer to the Callbacks entry in the Physics manual.


In Quantum v2 there are 4 different ways for a physics entity to have kinematic-like behaviour:

  1. By having only a PhysicsCollider component. In this case the entity does not have a PhysicsBody component; i.e. no mass, drag, force/torque integrations, etc... . You can manipulate the entity transform at will, however, when colliding with dynamic bodies, the collision impulses are solved as if the entity was stationary (zeroed linear and angular velocities).

  2. By disabling the PhysicsBody component. If you set the IsEnabled property on a PhysicsBody to false, the physics engine will treat the entity in same fashion as presented in Point 1 - i.e as having only a collider component. No forces or velocities are integrated. This is suitable if you want the body to behave like a stationary entity temporarily and its config (mass, drag coefficients, etc) for when you re-enable it at a later point.

  3. By setting the IsKinematic property on a PhysicsBody component to true. In this case the physics engine will not move affect the PhysicsBody itself, but the body's linear and angular velocities will still have affect other bodies when resolving collisions. Use this if you want to control the entity movement instead of letting the physics engine do it, and know that you have the responsibility to move an entity and control a body's velocity manually, while still having other dynamic bodies react to it.

  4. By initializing the PhysicsBody with CreateKinematic. If the body is expected to behave as kinematic during its entire lifetime, you can simply create it as a kinematic body. This will have the PhysicsBody behave like in 3 from the very beginning. If the body needs to eventually become dynamic one, you simply create a new one with the CreateDynamic method and set IsKinematic = true. Setting IsKinematic to true/false and re-initializing the PhysiscBody component as dynamic/kinematic can be done seamlessly at any time.

The PhysicsCollider Component

Disabling / Enabling the Component

Since Quantum 2.1, the PhysicsCollider component is equipped with an Enabled property. When setting this property to false, the entity with the PhysicsCollider will be ignored in the PhysicsSystem.

As the PhysicsBody requires an active PhysicsCollider, it will be effectively disabled as well.

Changing the Shape at Runtime

It is possible to change the shape of a PhysicsCollider after it has been initialized.


var collider = f.Get<PhysicsCollider3D>(entity);
collider.Shape = myNewShape;
f.Set(entity, collider);

When a PhysicsBody is first added, it calculates the inertia and CoM based on the shape of the PhysicsCollider. As such it is recommended to call ResetInertia and ResetCenterOfMass after changing the collider's shape.


// following the snippet above

var body = f.Get<PhysicsBody3D>(entity);
body.ResetCenterOfMass(f, entity); // Needs to be called first
body.ResetInertia(f, entity); // Needs to be called second
f.Set(entity, body);
The call order is important here! `ResetCenterOfMass()` **HAS TO BE** called first, and then `ResetInertia()`.

ResetCenterOfMass in particular needs to be called if any of the following is true for the old and/or new shape:

  • the shape has a position offset
  • the shape is a compound shape
  • the center of mass has an offset
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