This document is about: QUANTUM 2

Quantum Project


A collection of background information, tutorials and best-practices to customize the integration of the Quantum SDK into specialized workflows.

Release And Debug Builds

The Quantum project outputs its dll and references directly into the Unity project (by default QuantumSDK\quantum_unity\Assets\Photon\Quantum\Assemblies\). Depending on the build configuration selected in Visual Studio (or Rider) the dlls from QuantumSDK\assemblies\debug or \release are referenced and copied.

To switch from a debug to a release build, rebuild the quantum solution with the desired configuration.

Build Configuration
Toggle Build Configuration In Visual Studio
Rebuild The Quantum Solution In Visual Studio

The debug build will make it possible to debug the quantum.code.csproj and place breakpoints. After rebuilding the solution, attach Visual Studio (or Rider) to the running Unity Editor.

The debug build has significant performance penalties compared to a release build. For performance tests always use a Quantum release build (and Unity IL2CPP). Read more about this in the Profiling section.

The debug build contains assertions, exceptions, checks and debug outputs that help during development and which are disabled in release configuration. For example:

  • Log.Debug() and Log.Trace(), for example called from the quantum code project, will not be outputting log anymore.
  • As well as all Draw.Circle() methods.
  • NavMeshAgentConfig.ShowDebugAvoidance and ShowDebugSteering will not draw gizmos anymore.
  • Assertions and exceptions inside low level systems like physics are disabled.

Quantum-Unity Code Integration

A guide to demonstrate how to import and keep the Quantum simulation code in Unity.

Note: The procedure requires Unity 2019.4 and up.

The default way of working with Quantum is to have the simulation code (quantum_code) completely separate from Unity (quantum_unity). The double solution approach is not to everyone's liking, so with Quantum v2 we introduced an option to include quantum_code projects in the solution Unity generates with QuantumEditorSettings.MergeWithVisualStudioSolution setting. However, there are still use cases where having simulation code inside of Unity may be desirable. For instance, it lets users modify and rebuild simulation code without a license for Visual Studio or Rider.

You can convert your project to use this approach.

IMPORTANT: This is a one-way conversion.

Any files that you add/remove in Unity will not be added to/removed from quantum_code/quantum.code/quantum.code.csproj. This is not a problem if do not intend to use the project; if you plan on using the console runners and/or server plug-ins, you will have to update the project manually yourself.

Integration Steps

  1. Delete quantum_unity/Assets/Photon/Quantum/Assemblies/quantum.code.dll
  2. Delete bin and obj from quantum_code/quantum.code
  3. Copy contents of this folder (tools/codeintegration_unity) to quantum_code/quantum.code
  4. Open quantum_unity/Packages/manifest.json, add this dependency: "com.exitgames.photonquantumcode": "file:../../quantum_code/quantum.code"

If you get compile errors due to generated code being missing after opening the Unity project, run the codegen via the Quantum/Code Integration/Run All CodeGen menu.

Integration Steps (the old way)

There's also an alternative way that involves copying files to Unity project:

  1. Delete quantum_unity/Assets/Photon/Quantum/Assemblies/quantum.code.dll
  2. Copy tools/codeintegration_unity/QuantumCodeIntegration to quantum_unity/Assets/Photon
  3. Create quantum_unity/Assets/Photon/QuantumCode directory
  4. Copy tools/codeintegration_unity/PhotonQuantumCode.asmdef and tools/codeintegration_unity/PhotonQuantumCode.asmdef.meta to quantum_unity/Assets/Photon/QuantumCode
  5. Copy everything (except for bin and obj) from quantum_code/quantum.code to quantum_unity/Assets/Photon/QuantumCode


  • PhotonQuantumCode.asmdef explicitly removes Unity assemblies references. This is to ensure the nondeterministic Unity code is not mixed with the simulation code; this ensures there's always a way back to quantum_code as a standalone project.

N.B.: Any issues arising from including Unity assemblies will not receive any support.

  • If you happen to run into a "chicken and egg" problem (cannot compile because codegen is out of date, cannot run codegen because there are compile errors) and there is no Quantum/Code Integration menu, you can always run the codegen manually via the console (on non-Windows platforms prefix these with mono):
    • tools/codegen/ quantum_unity/Assets/Photon/QuantumCode
    • tools/codegen_unity/ quantum_unity/Library/ScriptAssemblies/PhotonQuantumCode.dll quantum_unity/Assets

Quantum DSL Integration

This section is about how to integrate the Quantum DSL files and their compilation into a workflow.

Qtn File Discovery

The qtn-files will be compiled as a pre build step of the quantum_code.csproj by calling tools\codegen\ as a pre build step with either a cs-proj file or a folder as paramter. There are two ways we recommend to set up the codegen:

1. (DEFAULT) Add the qtn-files explicitly to quantum_code.csproj:


  <None Include="Foo\bar.qtn" />
  <None Include="Oof\rab.qtn" />

The PreBuildEvent looks like this:


# win
"$(ProjectDir)..\..\tools\codegen\" "$(ProjectPath)"
# mac
mono "$(ProjectDir)..\..\tools\codegen\" "$(ProjectPath)"

2. If tools\codegen\ is called with a folder instead of a file it will search for every qtn-file inside the given folder.

Change the PreBuildEvent of quantum_code.csproj to this:


# win
"$(ProjectDir)..\..\tools\codegen\" "$(ProjectDir)"
# mac
mono "$(ProjectDir)..\..\tools\codegen\" "$(ProjectDir)"

Qtn File Syntax Highlighting

To enable syntax highlighting in QTN files, follow the guide for your respective IDE.

Visual Studio

In Visual Studio, you can add syntax highlighting for QTN files by associating it with another type (e.g. C# or Microsoft Visual C++). To do this go to Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> File Extension.

JetBrains Rider

In JetBrains Rider, you can add syntax highlighting to QTN file by defining a new file type.

  • Step 1: Navigate to File->Settings->Editor->File Types.
File Types
The `File Types` settings in JetBrains Rider.
  • Step 2: In the Recognized File Types category, press the + sign at the right of the to add a new file type.
New File Type
The `New File Type` window in JetBrains Rider.
  • Step 3: Check the settings for line comments, block comments, etc...
  • Step 4: Paste the list into the keywords level 1 (see below).


  • Step 5: Paste the list into the keywords level 2 (see below).


  • Step 6: In the File Name Patterns category, press the + sign at the right.
  • Step 7: Enter *.qtn as the wildcard for the type.
DSL Syntax Highlighting
DSL Syntax Highlighting in .QTN files (JetBrains Rider).

Quantum Code Generation Tools

Quantum uses two code generation tools that are required to run before and after the quantum.code.dll compilation.

Before compilation: Quantum Codegen (CodeGen.cs)

After compilation: Quantum Unity Codegen (Unity scripts)

Quantum Codegen

Executes the Quantum DSL code generation by converting found qtn files to C# code (Core/CodeGen.cs). Has two modes, one selects all qtn files recursively while the other only checks explicitly names qtn files in the csproj file.

PlatformWindows, Mono project-folder|project-file
project-folderThe path to the folder that the quantum.code.csproj is located. This mode will select all qtn files found recursively in the provided folder.
project-fileThe path of the quantum.code.csproj file. This mode will select all qtn files that are explicitly listed as items:
    <None Include="Example\Example.qtn"/>

Quantum Unity Codegen

Runs the Quantum codegen part that generates the Unity asset scripts (AssetBase), editors, prototype classes and the AOT file, which includes necessary class and generic declarations for AOT compilers.

PlatformWindows, Mono AssemblyPath OutputDir
AssemblyPathPath to quantum.code.dll file.
OutputDirOutput folder for Unity scripts. Usually quantum_unity\Assets. See default paths and how to customize them below.

Overwrite Asset Script Location And Disable AOT File Generation

Create the file tools\codegen_unity\quantum.codegen.unity.dll.config.

Caveat: The file will be overwritten during the default upgrade procedure.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <add key="RelativeLinkDrawerFilePath" value="Quantum/Editor/PropertyDrawers/Generated/AssetLinkDrawers.cs"/>
    <add key="RelativeAssetScriptFolderPath" value="Quantum/AssetTypes/Generated"/>
    <add key="RelativeGeneratedFolderPath" value="Quantum/Generated"/>
    <add key="GenerateAOTFile" value="true"/>
    <add key="EndOfLineCharacters" value="&#xD;&#xA;"/>

Quantum Unity Codegen (Netcore)

This version of the Quantum codegen Unity tool will be able to load a quantum.code.dll compiled with netstandard2.0.

PlatformWindows, Linux --additional-deps AdditionalDepsDir
AssemblyPathPath to quantum.code.dll file.
OutputDirOutput folder for Unity scripts. Usually quantum_unity\Assets. See default paths and how to customize them below.
AdditionalDepsDirAdditional dependencies are required to load the quantum dlls which are usually located in assemblies\release.

Set up as PostBuildEvent from Visual Studio:


<PostBuildEvent Condition="'$(OS)' == 'Windows_NT'">"$(ProjectDir)..\..\tools\codegen_unity\netcoreapp3.1\" "$(TargetDir)\quantum.code.dll" "$(ProjectDir)..\..\quantum_unity\Assets" --additional-deps "$(ProjectDir)..\..\assemblies\$(Configuration)"</PostBuildEvent>
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