This document is about: FUSION 1

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Execution Order


The execution order of the KCC's internal logic is important to take into account when extending it.

Simplified Execution Order

  1. KCC.SetInputDirection(): called from a player controller code before KCC internal update.
  2. KCC.SetLookRotation(): called from a player controller code before KCC internal update
  3. Another KCC API calls setting "input" properties
  4. KCC internal update
    1. Pre-caching KCC processors
    2. IKCCProcessor.SetInputProperties(): Dedicated stage to set input properties (ground angle, base position, gravity, ...).
    3. IKCCProcessor.SetDynamicVelocity():Dedicated stage to calculate KCCData.DynamicVelocity.
    4. IKCCProcessor.SetKinematicDirection(): Dedicated stage to calculate KCCData.KinematicDirection.
    5. IKCCProcessor.SetKinematicTangent(): Dedicated stage to calculate KCCData.KinematicTangent.
    6. IKCCProcessor.SetKinematicSpeed(): Dedicated stage to calculate KCCData.KinematicSpeed.
    7. IKCCProcessor.SetKinematicVelocity(): Dedicated stage to calculate KCCData.KinematicVelocity (combining Kinematic properties calculated in previous stages).
    8. Movement with calculated velocities. This step can be executed multiple times in a row if the desired velocity is too big (CCD is applied).
      1. Physics query.
      2. IKCCProcessor.ProcessPhysicsQuery(): Dedicated stage to calculate properties after single physics query (for example kinematic velocity ground projection).
      3. Collision update: IKCCProcessor.Enter() & IKCCProcessor.Exit() callbacks.
    9. IKCCProcessor.Stay(): Dedicated stage to execute custom processor logic.
    10. Transform synchronization.

For more info about processors and their stages, please check commented code and KCC sample project.

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