Photon Voice 1 is the original and first major version of Photon Voice.
It is now replaced by Photon Voice 2 which is refactored and enhanced.
We highly recommend starting new projects with Photon Voice 2 and if possible migrating existing ones from Photon Voice 1 to Photon Voice 2.
Photon Voice will be maintained for the coming months.
We will fix important bugs and support new Unity versions but new features will be added only to Photon Voice 2.
Port Numbers
Photon Cloud
在大多數情況下,您不必考慮埠號,因為客戶端SDK使用預設埠來存取Photon Cloud名稱伺服器。
埠號根據傳輸協定而定,通常根據伺服器類型而定。作為參照,下表列出了Photon的常用埠。這些可以在Photon Cloud上找到。
埠號碼 | 協定 | 目的 |
5058或27000 | UDP | 客戶端到名稱伺服器(UDP) |
5055或27001 | UDP | 客戶端到主伺服器(UDP) |
5056或27002 | UDP | 客戶端到遊戲伺服器(UDP) |
4533 | TCP | 客戶端到名稱伺服器(TCP) |
4530 | TCP | 客戶端到主伺服器(TCP) |
4531 | TCP | 客戶端到遊戲伺服器(TCP) |
80或9090 | TCP | 客戶端到主伺服器(WebSockets) |
80或9091 | TCP | 客戶端到遊戲伺服器(WebSockets) |
80或9093 | TCP | 客戶端到名稱伺服器(WebSockets) |
443或19090 | TCP | 客戶端到主伺服器(Secure WebSockets) |
443或19091 | TCP | 客戶端到遊戲伺服器(Secure WebSockets) |
443或19093 | TCP | 客戶端到名稱伺服器(Secure WebSockets) |