
This sample is provided with full source code and demonstrates how Quantum can be used to create a fast and action-packed online 2D platform shooter.
Disclaimer: The sample game was developed by BitCake Studio for Photon Engine.

Version | Release Date | Download | |
2.1.9 | Oct 22, 2024 | Quantum Blueless 2.1.9 Build 534 |
Before You Start
To run the sample in online multiplayer mode, first create a Quantum AppId in the PhotonEngine Dashboard and paste it into the AppId
field in PhotonServerSettings
Then load the Menu
scene in the Scenes menu and press Play
Technical Info
- Unity: 2020.3.20f1.
- Platforms: PC (Windows / Mac), WebGL and Mobile (Android)
- Character Controller 3D with custom steering implementation.
- Raycast projectiles based on delta-movement.
- Data-Driven Polymorphism.
- Respawn Points with Entity Prototypes.
- Disconnect System for inactive players.
- Fast paced, 2D platform shooter.
- Double jump.
- Area damage.
- Grenade.
- Weapon reload time.
- Change weapon using weapon inventory.
Use A
to movement, Space
to jump, Q
to change weapon, F
to use the granade, Left Mouse Button
to shoot and use the mouse cursor to aim.
Useful Patterns
Raycast projectiles based on delta-movement
This is a good approach to prevent fast bullets from crossing walls. A raycast based on direction and speed is used to predict the next bullet movement and detect a hit, if any.
Physics2D.HitCollection hits = frame.Physics2D.LinecastAll(bulletTransform->Position, futurePosition);
for (int i = 0; i < hits.Count; i++)
var entity = hits[i].Entity;
if (entity == EntityRef.None)
bulletTransform->Position = hits[i].Point;
// Applies polymorphic behavior on the bullet action
data.BulletAction(frame, bullet, EntityRef.None);
return true;
Disconnect System
Using the DeterministicInputFlags we check if the player is present. So, the entities of players who are not present for a while are removed from the simulation.
public override void Update(Frame frame)
frame.Global->DisconnectTime += frame.DeltaTime;
var robotsFilter = frame.Filter<PlayerID, Status>();
while (robotsFilter.NextUnsafe(out var robot, out var playerID, out var robotStatus))
DeterministicInputFlags flags = frame.GetPlayerInputFlags(playerID->PlayerRef);
if ((flags & DeterministicInputFlags.PlayerNotPresent) == DeterministicInputFlags.PlayerNotPresent)
robotStatus->DisconnectedTicks = 0;
if (robotStatus->DisconnectedTicks >= 15)
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