Frame Timer
The Quantum FrameTimer
struct can be used to implement gameplay based on a timer. Like cooldown for skills or respawn or to run periodically checks in the simulation.
Start a new timer from seconds or from ticks.
FrameTimer timerA = FrameTimer.FromFrames(frame, 60)
FrameTimer timerB = FrameTimer.FromSeconds(frame, 2)
FrameTimer timerC = default(FrameTimer);
The timers timerA and timerB will be in running state, while timerC is not set, yet.
Checking the state of a FrameTimer is exemplified below, considering the sample timers from above:
timerA.IsRunning(frame); // returns TRUE
timerB.IsRunning(frame); // returns TRUE
timerC.IsRunning(frame); // returns FALSE
timerA.IsSet; // returns TRUE
timerB.IsSet; // returns TRUE
timerC.IsSet; // returns FALSE
The FrameTimer
keeps a memory of the target frame, which can be used to query if a timer stopped at an exact time. It can also return the elapsed and remaining time which can be handy to be displayed in the game UI for example.
if (timer.HasStoppedThisFrame(frame)) {
// Only if the timer ran out this exact frame.
else {
var ticksRemaining = timer.RemainingFrames(frame);
var secondsRemaining = timer.RemainingSeconds(frame);
var ticksElapsed = timer.ElapsedFrames(frame);
var elapsedSeconds = timer.ElapsedSeconds(frame);
can be added to components in the DSL or it can be added to the Frame's global variables as exemplified below.
component Character {
FrameTimer SkillCooldown;
global {
FrameTimer GameTimer;
This example uses the FrameTimer
on the component to control a skill cooldown. The same logic could also be applied to the FrameTimer
in global variables.
namespace Quantum
using Photon.Deterministic;
using UnityEngine.Scripting;
public unsafe class CharacterSystem : SystemMainThreadFilter<CharacterSystem.Filter> {
public struct Filter {
public EntityRef Entity;
public Character* Character;
public override void Update(Frame frame, ref Filter filter)
var character = filter.Character;
if (character->SkillCooldown.IsRunning(frame) == false) {
// Execute skill and reset the cooldown
// Reset the cooldown by creating a new timer
character->SkillCooldown = FrameTimer.FromSeconds(frame, 2);
// Reset the cooldown by restarting the timer.
// BUT this requires that the timer was set at a previous time, for example when adding the component.
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