This document is about: QUANTUM 3

Dashboard Configuration


Quantum provides extra configuration via the Photon Dashboard for specific game-related variables. These can be enabled/disabled or tweaked based on your game's needs.

Property Definitions


Property Name Type
BlockNonProtocolMessages Boolean

Cancels all non-protocol messages sent to the server, logging "Blocked non-protocol message" once when the condition is triggered. Active only when set to true.


Property Name Type
BlockPlayerProperties Boolean

Cancels all player property set requests from clients, logging "Blocked player properties" once when triggered. Active only when set to true.


Property Name Type
SkipFixedInputSizeValidation Boolean

Disables the security check that disconnects players when a fixed input size is detected, addressing issues for specific clients. Active only when set to true.


Property Name Type
SessionConfig Json

Allows setting a global SessionConfig in the dashboard, overwriting client-sent configs to protect against malicious players.


Property Name Type
BlockRoomProperties Boolean

Blocks all room properties set by clients post-creation, except for StartQuantum.

Caveat: This affects Open and IsVisible as well.


Property Name Type
AllowedLobbyProperties String

Set a list of properties that are allowed for the client to send as Lobby Properties as a protection for the matchmaking performances on the master servers. If this property is set, then non-listed properties send by clients will be stripped.


Property Name Type
MaxPlayerSlots Integer

Limits the number of player slots a client can activate, defaulting to 128. By default clients could create as many local players as the game supports. Setting this value will limit this for all games running under this AppId. The value can also be set by the webhooks.


Property Name Type
StartPropertyBlockedTimeSec Integer

If set to a number greater than zero, the starting of Quantum inside a room will be blocked until the minimum amount of seconds has passed since the room has been created. This can be used to ensure that players have enough time to join before the game begins.


Property Name Type
StartPropertyForcedTimeSec Integer

If set to a number greater than zero, it specifies the maximum amount of seconds that can elapse before starting Quantum inside a room after the room has been created. If the specified time is exceeded, the game will set the "StartQuantum" property in the room's game properties to true if it hasn't already.


Property Name Type
HideRoomAfterStartSec Integer

If set to a number greater than zero, it defines the number of seconds after which the room will be hidden from public or search listings once Quantum has started within the room. This can help manage room visibility and ensure that new players do not join games already in progress.


Property Name Type
CloseRoomAfterStartSec Integer

If set to a number greater than zero, it determines the number of seconds after which the room will be closed following the start of Quantum inside the room. Closing a room prevents any new players from joining and can be used to manage the lifecycle of the game session.

Security and Optimization

Quantum 3 introduces webhooks as a new method of protecting the plugin, moving away from the configuration-based security measures of Quantum 2.1. This shift aims to make it easier for developers to implement checks and detections into their own backend.


For local testing, ensure to escape quotations in the SessionConfig JSON.

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