Online Session
The Quantum online services are build on top of the common Photon online infrastructure (Photon Realtime). Connecting to an online session usually goes through three connection phases:
- Custom Authentication: Photon does not offer player accounts and recommends securing the logins using a proprietary or third-party authentication provider and set up Photon Custom Authentication.
- Game Server Connection: Before starting the online simulation the clients have to connect to the Photon Cloud and enter a Photon Room using the Photon Realtime API.
- Quantum Simulation Start Sequence: In this phase the Quantum simulation is started and synchronized and client configuration and player data is send.
Game Server Connection
This is the simplest way to establish a connection to the Photon cloud and matchmake onto a game server.
var connectionArguments = new MatchmakingArguments {
// The Photon application settings
PhotonSettings = PhotonServerSettings.Global.AppSettings,
//Will be configured as "EnterRoomArgs.RoomOptions.PlayerTtl" when creating a Photon room
PlayerTtlInSeconds = 10,
//Will be configured as "EnterRoomArgs.RoomOptions.EmptyRoomTtl" when creating a Photon room
EmptyRoomTtlInSeconds = 10,
// Will be configured as "EnterRoomArgs.RoomOptions.RoomName when creating a Photon room.
RoomName = "room-name",
// The maximum number of clients for the room, in this case we use the code-generated max possible players for the Quantum simulation
MaxPlayers = Input.MAX_COUNT,
// Configure if the connect request can also create rooms or if it only tries to join
CanOnlyJoin = false,
// Custom room properties that are configured as "EnterRoomArgs.RoomOptions.CustomRoomProperties"
CustomProperties = customRoomProperties,
// Async configuration that include TaskFactory and global cancellation support. If null then "AsyncConfig.Global" is used
AsyncConfig = customAsyncConfig,
//Provide authentication values for the Photon server connection. Use this in conjunction with custom authentication. This field is created when "UserId" is set
AuthValues = customAuthValues,
// The plugin to request from the Photon cloud
PluginName = "QuantumPlugin",
//Optional object to save and load reconnect information
ReconnectInformation = new MatchmakingReconnectInformation(),
//Optional Realtime lobby to use for matchmaking
Lobby = new TypedLobby(),
// This sets the AuthValues and should be replaced with the custom authentication
UserId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
// This line connects to the Photon cloud and performs matchmaking based on the arguments to finally enter a room.
RealtimeClient Client = await MatchmakingExtensions.ConnectToRoomAsync(connectionArguments);
A good practice is to encapsulate the ConnectToRoomAsync procedure with a Try Catch
statement. Possible Exceptions are:
ReconnectInformation missing
arguments.ReconnectInformation is equals null;AppVersion mismatch
ReconnectInformation.AppVersion is different from PhotonSettings.AppVersion;UserId not set
ReconnectInformation.UserId is null or empty;UserId mismatch
ReconnectInformation and AuthValues have different UserId;TaskCanceledException
a cancellation token was requested on AsyncConfig.CancellationToken;
To connect to the Photon Cloud the configuration called AppSettings
is required. Inside the Quantum integration this is usually accessed via a Singleton pattern: PhotonServerSettings.Instance.AppSettings
which of course can be exchanged with another way of injecting the correct data.
Notice that the settings object is copied. Otherwise there would a risk of saving changes to the asset.
var appSettings = PhotonServerSettings.CloneAppSettings(PhotonServerSettings.Instance.AppSettings);
To setup the appId follow the instruction on: Quantum Asteroids Tutorial - Project Setup
Quantum Simulation Start Sequence
The snippet below shows the basic operation start an online Quantum session.
var sessionRunnerArguments = new SessionRunner.Arguments {
// The runner factory is the glue between the Quantum.Runner and Unity
RunnerFactory = QuantumRunnerUnityFactory.DefaultFactory,
// Creates a default version of `QuantumGameStartParameters`
GameParameters = QuantumRunnerUnityFactory.CreateGameParameters,
// A secret user id that is for example used to reserved player slots to reconnect into a running session
ClientId = Client.UserId,
// The player data
RuntimeConfig = runtimeConfig,
// The session config loaded from the Unity asset tagged as `QuantumDefaultGlobal`
SessionConfig = QuantumDeterministicSessionConfigAsset.DefaultConfig,
// GameMode has to be multiplayer for online sessions
GameMode = DeterministicGameMode.Multiplayer,
// The number of player that the session is running for, in this case we use the code-generated max possible players for the Quantum simulation
PlayerCount = Input.MAX_COUNT,
// A timeout to fail the connection logic and Quantum protocol
StartGameTimeoutInSeconds = 10,
// The communicator will take over the network handling after the simulation has started
Communicator = new QuantumNetworkCommunicator(Client),
// This method completes when the client has successfully joined the online session
QuantumRunner runner = (QuantumRunner)await SessionRunner.StartAsync(sessionRunnerArguments);
Adding and Removing Players
Quantum has a concept of a player. Each client can have zero or multiple players. When initially starting the Quantum online session the client is in the state of a spectator until Players are explicitly added.
Each player that is connected to the game is given a unique ID. This ID is called a PlayerRef
and is often referred to as Player
Unlike in Quantum 2.1 player can be added and removed at any time.
Players will occupy so called PlayerSlots
which will always refer to how one client manages his players. If only one local player slot is used it will be slot 0
. While a second player that is controlled by that client could have the the PlayerSlot
1. A typical usage for example is the input callback CallbackPollInput
that uses the PlayerSlot
property to control for what local player input is polled for: QuantumGame.AddPlayer(Int32 playerSlot, RuntimePlayer data)
Because AddPlayer()
could spawn a HTTP request to the customer backend the operation has a rate limitation on the server and cannot be spammed.
Quantum does not have a built-in concept of a player object or player avatar.
Any player related game information (such as a character load-out, character levels, etc.) is passed into the simulation by each clients using the RuntimePlayer
// Will add the player to player slot 0
To specify the exact player slot use QuantumGame.AddPlayer(int playerSlot, RuntimePlayer data)
, as the example below.
// Will add the player to player slot 1
QuantumRunner.Default.Game.AddPlayer(1, runtimePlayer);
To keep track of players' connection to a quantum session Input & Connection Flags are used. The PlayerConnectedSystem
automates the procedure and notifies the simulation if a player has connected to the session or disconnected from it.
In order to received the connection and disconnection callbacks the ISignalOnPlayerConnected
and ISignalOnPlayerDisconnected
have to be implemented in a system.
Useful Local Player Callbacks
There is also some useful callbacks to handle with local players: CallbackLocalPlayerAddConfirmed
, CallbackLocalPlayerRemoveConfirmed
, CallbackLocalPlayerAddFailed
and CallbackLocalPlayerRemoveFailed
QuantumCallback.Subscribe(this, (CallbackLocalPlayerAddConfirmed c) => OnLocalPlayerAddConfirmed(c));
QuantumCallback.Subscribe(this, (CallbackLocalPlayerRemoveConfirmed c) => OnLocalPlayerRemoveConfirmed(c));
QuantumCallback.Subscribe(this, (CallbackLocalPlayerAddFailed c) => OnLocalPlayerAddFailed(c));
QuantumCallback.Subscribe(this, (CallbackLocalPlayerRemoveFailed c) => OnLocalPlayerRemoveFailed(c));
Stopping The Session And Disconnecting
To stop the Quantum simulation execute QuantumRunner.ShutdownAll(bool immediate)
. Only set immediate:true
when it's not called from within a Quantum callback. In case the shutdown command is called within a Quantum callback, is vital to set immediate:false
so the shutdown is postponed until the next Unity update.
will destroy the QuantumRunner object which triggers the local Quantum simulation to be stopped. It will also result in either a connection Disconnect()
or LeaveRoom()
depending what is set as StartParameters.QuitBehaviour
If the client should exit the game gracefully, for example to clean up the player avatar for remote clients, extra logic has to be implemented into the simulation. Either a client issued command or monitoring the player connected state (see PlayerConnectedSystem
Considering that players also close their app or Alt+F4 their games there might not always be an opportunity to send a graceful disconnect.
async void Disconnect() {
// Signal all runners to shutdown and wait until each one has disconnected
await QuantumRunner.ShutdownAllAsync();
// OR just signal their shutdown
Plugin Disconnected Errors
When the Quantum plugin encounters errors with the client start protocol or input messages it will send an operation to terminate the connection gracefully. When this happens the CallbackPluginDisconnect
callback is invoked on the client, which includes a Reason
string with more details. An error like this is not recoverable and the client would need to reconnect and restart the simulation.
Error #3 | Must request start before any protocol message or input messages other than 'StartRequest' is accepted | The client tried to send a protocol or input message before sending the start request. |
Error #5 | Duplicate client id | The client tried to start the game with a ClientId that is already used. |
Error #7 | Client protocol version '' is not matching server protocol version '' | The client tried to start the game with an incompatible protocol version. |
Error #8 | Invalid client id 'NULL' | The client tried to start the game without specifying a ClientId . |
Error #9 | Server refused client | The custom plugin refused the client to join the session. |
Error #12 | Operation not allowed when running in spectating mode | The client tried to send a command while in spectator mode (no player added). |
Error #13 | Snapshot request failed to start | The client late-joined a game but there is no suitable connected player to provide a snapshot to join. |
Error #16 | Player corrupted | The client caused an exception on the plugin during either protocol or input message deserialization. The error can be tackled by enabling packet CRC checksums on the client connection: RealtimeClient.RealtimePeer.CrcEnabled = true . |
Error #17 | PlayerCount is not valid | The client started the online game with an invalid player count. |
Error #19 | Player not found | The client send a command for a PlayerSlot that they don't own. |
Error #20 | RPC data corrupted | The RuntimePlayer object when adding a player or the command data was too large (max. 24 KB). |
Error #21 | Quantum SDK 2 not supported on Quantum 3 AppIds, check Photon dashboard to set correct version | The client using Quantum SDK 2.1 tried to connect with a Quantum 3 AppId. |
Error #33 | Player data was rejected 'Webhook Error Message' | The add player webhook failed. |
Error #34 | Game configs not loaded 'Webhook Error Message' | The game configs webhook failed, disconnecting all clients. |
Error #40 | Caught exception receiving protocol messages | An exception was raised when the client processed a protocol message, this is not necessarily a server error, but the client state is unrecoverable and it will disconnect. |
Error #41 | Input cache full | The local delta compression input buffer for the client is full, this could happen after long breakpoint pauses for example. This state is not recoverable for the client. |
Error #42 | Communicator not connected | The connection was lost while the simulation was running. This can be prevented by detecting disconnects earlier using Photon Realtime callbacks for example. |
Error #51 | Snapshot download timeout | The server was not able to send all required snapshot fragment within the default timeout of 20 seconds. |
Error #52 | Snapshot upload timeout | A requested buddy snapshot was not able to be uploaded within the default timeout of 10 seconds. |
Error #53 | Snapshot upload error | The uploaded buddy snapshot contained an error. |
Error #54 | Snapshot upload disconnected | Late-joining was interrupted due to the buddy snapshot uploading client disconnecting. |