This document is about: FUSION 2

Voice Chat


More and more games offer built-in Voice Chat. If your players interact in VR/AR, it is practically a must-have to be able to talk with one another.

Fusion is not built to transfer audio streams but it can be combined with voice chat solutions quite easily.

Our go-to solution is Photon Voice.

Photon Voice

Photon Voice is an SDK which makes it a breeze to add realtime voice chat to games and multi-user applications. It supports all major platforms including XR devices and allows cross platform communicationby default. Audio can be streamed to users on WebGL export but recording audio is currently not supported.

Photon Voice a completely separate SDK and could be used on it's own but it does comes with seamless support for Fusion. A Recorder component per client enables sending of a stream while the Speaker components get placed on Fusion NetworkedObjects to be positioned correctly by the engine.

Voice AppId

Photon Voice runs indepently from Fusion and makes use of a separate AppId. To create a Voice AppId, go to the PhotonEngine Dashboard. Then paste the newly generated AppId into the App Id Voice field in Fusion's PhotonAppSettings file.

Getting Started

You can download Photon Voice in the Unity Asset Store. Importing the package should be seamless but as usual, create a backup of your work before you do.

Photon Voice is best described in its own docs category. An extensive introduction to Photon Voice is here.

There is also an in depths How to integrate Photon Voice with Fusion in that context.

Demos & Samples

Small demos which showcase how to create a simple integrations between Fusion and Voice can be found on the Voice For Fusion Samples page.

There are several complete game samples which present a more in depth integration:

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