This document is about: FUSION 2

Transition from Fusion 1

The Projectiles Advanced project remains available for Fusion 1 users. However, the Fusion 2 version introduces several substantial changes beneath the surface. Below is a summary of what has changed:

  • Simplified player-related classes and input processing
  • Simplified weapon component system
  • Replaced the KCC addon from Fusion 1 with the Simple KCC addon
  • Removed ProjectileManager. Instead, hitscan projectiles and kinematic projectiles are now managed separately, enhancing network efficiency. This is achieved through the generic NetworkDataBuffer class with separate implementations for each projectile type — HitscanProjectileBuffer and KinematicProjectileBuffer.
  • Projectile visuals can persist longer than the data in network buffers, which is a notable advancement from the Fusion 1 version. This enhancement allows the use of smaller data buffers while supporting extended-duration visuals such as trails, impacts, and environmental effects.
  • Spawn prediction is no longer supported in Fusion 2. NetworkObjectBuffer that pre-spawns selected number of objects in advance is used instead.
  • Added a new Deathmatch scene
  • Homing projectiles were improved
  • UI and scene services systems were removed
  • Game scene was renamed to Playground
  • + Many smaller improvements and fixes
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