PUN Classic (v1), PUN 2, Bolt는 휴업 모드입니다. Unity2022에 대해서는 PUN 2에서 서포트하지만, 신기능의 추가는 없습니다. 현재 이용중인 고객님의 PUN 및 Bolt 프로젝트는 중단되지 않고, 퍼포먼스나 성능이 떨어지는 일도 없습니다. 앞으로의 새로운 프로젝트에는 Photon Fusion 또는 Quantum을 사용해 주십시오.

What's new in v1.3

Main Changes:

For a full list of changes, check the log here.

Bolt Namespaces Rework

The version 1.3 of Bolt comes with a lot of structural changes, mainly focusing on a better organization of the classes and system inside Bolt.
Unfortunatelly for a major refactor like this, it's necessary to change how the API is exposed, mainly by changing the namespaces, but also some methods and classes.

The major change was that all Bolt classes are now inside the Photon.Bolt. namespace instead of just Bolt.. Some changes are listed below:

  • Bolt.Command to Photon.Bolt.Command;
  • Bolt.ScopeMode to Photon.Bolt.ScopeMode;
  • Bolt.GlobalTargets to Photon.Bolt.GlobalTargets;
  • Bolt.IProtocolToken to Photon.Bolt.IProtocolToken;
  • Bolt.EntityBehaviour to Photon.Bolt.EntityBehaviour;
  • Bolt.ReliabilityModes to Photon.Bolt.ReliabilityModes;
  • Bolt.GlobalEventListener to Photon.Bolt.GlobalEventListener;

Other namespaces that often are used:

  • Photon.Bolt.Utils: include utility classes, like BoltLog and others.
  • Photon.Bolt.Collections: include the Bolt's own implementations of some collections, like BoltRingBuffer.
  • Photon.Bolt.Matchmaking: Matchmaking API;
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