PUN Classic (v1)、PUN 2 和 Bolt 處於維護模式。 PUN 2 將支援 Unity 2019 至 2022,但不會添加新功能。 當然,您所有的 PUN & Bolt 專案可以用已知性能繼續運行使用。 對於任何即將開始或新的專案:請切換到 Photon Fusion 或 Quantum。


This is an overview tutorial using a more advanced code base that you can run and learn from. Here, we are building a simple third person shooter game that will allow us to go through most of what Photon Bolt can do.


All of the art we are using in this tutorial has either been produced with, provided by or run through the excellent PolyWorld: Woodland Low Poly Toolkit.

polyworld: woodland low poly toolkit
PolyWorld: Woodland Low Poly Toolkit

Getting Bolt SDK

Use the latest SDK version of Photon Bolt for this tutorial, and if you want to take a look on the final result of this sample, you can download it from our Samples Repository. This tutorial was last reviewed using Photon Bolt v1.2.9.

Getting The Installation Ready

First of all, make sure that you've followed the Bolt Basics tutorial, as it introduces the fundaments of how Photon Bolt works. If you've already imported the samples package, you should get a project hierarchy similar to the one shown below, if not, go ahead, open the Wizard window at Bolt/Wizard menu, and install it.

Create a new unity project and import the package, this will leave you with a directory structure like the image below.

bolt package content after first import
Bolt package content after first import.

This will setup all dependencies and our Aadvanced Sample project in place, that can be found in Assets/samples/AdvancedTutorial folder. From here, you can take a look at the contents of this folder:

  • art: with all models and materials used in the demo.
  • audio: sound effects used by the player.
  • prefabs: contains all prefabs of our player, weapon and others.
  • scenes: has the two main scenes for this demo. We will discuss they better later on.
  • scripts: where we put all code used to make the game happen, including Bolt behaviors and other controllers.
  • shaders: simple shaders for visual effects.
  • thirdparty: extra content used by the game.

Running The Game

At this stage, you already have all assets to run the game, now we just need to configure our Bolt installation to get knowledge about these.

Add All Scenes To The Build Settings

  1. Open the Assets/samples/AdvancedTutorial/scenes folder;
  2. Go to File/Build Settings... menu;
  3. Drag and drop the MainMenu and Level1 scenes, in that order. Be sure that MainMenu has index 0 as shown on the figure below.
configure build scenes to make bolt aware of scenes to load
Configure Build Scenes to make Bolt aware of scenes to load.

Build Bolt Asset Database

  1. Go to Assets/Bolt/Compile Assembly menu;
  2. This step will build the internal structure utilized by Bolt to find, instantiate and maintain the objects in the scenes. You should be able to see on the console the output logs.
bolt compile assembly console output
Bolt Compile Assembly console output.

Running the Advanced Sample

  1. Go to File/Build & Run menu then click on Build button, this will build a standalone version of the game.
  2. Select a folder into your computer to put the binary files.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Open the folder were the game was saved and run two instances of the game. You will be presented with the window below.
standalone game build main menu
Standalone Game Build Main Menu.
  1. On the first window, select Server, then Level1. This will start our Server player and enter the game, ready to play.
  2. On the second window, select Client. Starting as client will make you connect to the Photon Cloud and list for available sessions. Click on the Join button with the session info.

Now you can walk around and have some fun.

playing bolt demonstration game
Playing Bolt demonstration game.

If you want to hide the console inside the game, just press the Tab key.

Next Chapter >>

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