PUN Classic (v1)、PUN 2、Boltはメンテナンスモードとなっております。Unity2022についてはPUN 2でサポートいたしますが、新機能が追加されることはありません。お客様のPUNプロジェクトおよびBoltプロジェクトが停止することはなく、将来にわたってパフォーマンス性能が落ちることはありません。 今後の新しいプロジェクトについては、Photon FusionまたはQuantumへ切り替えていただくようよろしくお願いいたします。

In Depth - Photon Cloud

Using Punchthrough and Relay

Bolt now has full support for Photon's industry proven matchmaking and global relay

The "PhotonMenu" sample shows how you can start a Bolt server using Photon, and how to connect
clients to it using the same API you'd use for Bolt on LAN.

Before proceeding, please register and create an App ID on Photon Engine dashboard.
You'll need to fill the App ID on "Window/Bolt/Settings", under the Photon category.

Use the provided "PhotonMenu" scene as the starting point, and take a look at the
"BoltPhotonInit.cs" script.

Update: April 21, 2017

The old dedicated token for Photon Cloud is now deprecated, instead you can do this


BoltNetwork.SetHostInfo("MyPhotonGame", new RoomProtocolToken { ArbitraryData = "(MyCustomData)" });

and if you want to supply custom room properties your token class can implement


public interface IBoltPhotonCloudRoomProperties {
  ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable CustomRoomProperties { get; }

You can still use the old version with PhotonHostInfoToken but it is marked obsolete.


If you have any inquiry on this, please contact us through our support channels:

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