This document is about: QUANTUM 3

Custom Animator

Level 4


Quantum’s deterministic animator works by baking information from Unity’s Mecanim Controller. It imports many configurations such as the States, the Transitions, the Motion clips and so on.

The main advantage of using it is that it can control animations to be 100% in sync across machines. Animations will snap to the correct state and clip time accordingly to the predict-rollback. So it provides very accurate tick based animations, which is something that is usually needed on Fighting and some Sports games because the animations should be perfectly in sync between all client simulations.

Due to this addon's dependencies on Unity's Mecanim and the lack of a new animation tool on Unity, we decided to stop improving the addon. Be aware that if using this tool might require the team to change the code based on your game's animation needs.

Because of that, we decided to have the Animator as open source code that you can import into your quantum.code project and change it.

This document explains how the Custom Animator should be imported and used into your own projects.

This package was lastly tested with Quantum SDK 3.0.0 RC 1519

Known issues/Limitations

The CustomAnimator, as it comes by default, has these known limitations:

  1. No support for hierarchical states;
  2. No support for Unity’s animation events;
  3. No support for states with no motion (no animation clip set);
  4. No support for the Layers menu, which means that it's not possible to mix animations between more than one layer, such as using Avatar Masks, Blending and so on;
  5. When using Blend Trees, it is mandatory to have the blending value between [-1, 1], on both 1D and 2D Blend Trees;
  6. No support for Root Motion on 3D Transforms/PhysicsBody.

Importing the Custom Animator package

  1. Download the Custom Animator here;
  2. Find all the details about its installation and usage in the pdf file contained inside the zip file.
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